Studies Reveal Risks for Infants whose Mothers take Zoloft

Recent studies on the serious side effects of the antidepressant drug Zoloft reveal that mothers who took the drug during their pregnancy may give birth to a child with defects.

Zoloft which is manufactured by Pfizer, Inc. is a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat several disorders because of its ability to increase the serotonin level in the brain.  Among the disorders that could be treated with Zoloft as approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are depression, social anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, premenstrual dyphoric disorder (PMDD) in patients 18 years old and above and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) among patients aged 6-17 years old.

However, studies conducted over the years reveal serious developmental birth defects, a potentially life-threatening lung disorder, and increased risks in premature and stillbirths as possible side effects of Zoloft and other antidepressant drugs on newborns whose mothers took the drug during their pregnancy. In fact, one study linked Zoloft to “Omphalocele”, a developmental birth defect wherein an infant is born with parts of its intestines outside the abdominal wall.   It is also said to cause anencephaly wherein a baby is missing a large part of its brain and craniosynostosis wherein an infant has problems with the normal growth of its brain and skull, two brain development defects in infants, according to another study.

Aside from these birth defects, a study released in 2006 by the University of California at San Diego also revealed a significant increase of persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) which is fatal soon after birth in 10 to 20 percent of cases.  Infants who survived from the PPHN may not be as fortunate as it would need mechanical aids to breathe and may suffer developmental delays, hearing loss and brain abnormalities.

The FDA noted the study of PPHN in infants but it only required birth defect warnings from Paxil, another antidepressant drug.  It did, however, issue a number of alerts and warnings over the past few years in response to the studies which linked Zoloft to serious side effects on infants whose mothers had taken the drug during their pregnancy.

Mothers, however, must not immediately stop taking Zoloft as they are liable to suffer withdrawal symptoms after giving birth.   It is best for pregnant women to consult with their doctors first and discuss the risks the medication may pose to their newborns.